
Are you looking for historical information?

The Milaca Area Historical Society has unique genealogical and local history resources. We have all of the Milaca and Bock newspapers on film, as well as some local government records (see list); extensive school records including Milachi newspapers and Milaca High School yearbooks; family histories, files and collections; atlases and plat books; and many county cemetery records (see Cemetery Records list). We welcome researchers to our facility (during open hours or by appointment), and assist with research requests from further afield, with two cautions:

  • Since materials were donated by various sources at various times, there are gaps in many collections.
  • Though we make every effort to respond promptly, our staff is made up of volunteers and few in number, so it can take time for you to get a response.

Send your information request to us:


Mail: MAHS, PO Box 144, Milaca, MN 56353

Phone: Tom 320-237-1884

Please include your name, address/email address, how you found us and your requested information with as much detail as possible.

We appreciate your donation of 25¢ per page copied. We can in many cases send digital images, but please remember that while there are no paper, ink or postage expenses in doing this, we do carry all of the expenses involved in housing, managing, maintaining and expanding the collection. Your donations to our 501(c)3 organization make these efforts possible.

Donations can be sent to our mailing address, or via our GiveMN page.

Share your research with us!

Donations of copies or originals of any family or local history research, oral histories, photographs, or privately-held records are greatly appreciated.  This is how the historical record is built and preserved!