

The Milaca Area Historical Society collects, preserves and shares the history of Milaca and area towns and townships through museum exhibits and a research library in the Milaca Museum.

Our Museum is located at 145 S. Central Ave, Milaca, MN.


Your donations provide resources

• To help us care for the City of Milaca’s historic National Register WPA City Hall building and its Federal Arts Project murals.
• To care for our collection of over 12,000 items and our many resources for family and local history research.
• To create exhibits illustrating the unique history of our area.
• To provide enhancements to local schools’ social studies curriculum.
• To offer the Milaca area community and out of town visitors cultural experiences through our Museum, through Mille Lacs County History Alliance exhibits at the Mille Lacs County Fair, and through outreach and events.

Milaca Area Historical Society was incorporated in 1985 and is a 501(c)3 corporation. Your donation is tax deductible. Donations can be sent to our mailing address, or made through Give MN:

Become a Member!

Annual memberships are $10 (individual), $15 (family), or $30 (business). Members receive a biannual newsletter and notifications of meetings and events. Sign up here.


Volunteer power keeps us going! Contact us for volunteer opportunities staffing the Museum and participating in maintenance and outreach projects. How you can help

Contact Us!

Milaca Area Historical Society
PO Box 144
Milaca, MN 56353

320-237-1884 (Tom)
